act JUSTLY, love MERCY, walk HUMBLY - Micah 6:8
Dear Friend,
I have recently accepted the opportunity to go to Youth with a Mission (YWAM) Justice Discipleship Training School (DTS) in Kona, Hawaii. Beginning September 30, 2010 there will be a 12 week lecture phase and 12 week field assignment which concludes March 11, 2011. The Justice DTS addresses issues such as Human trafficking, child soldiers, genocide, poverty, AIDS, children living on the streets
During my classroom training I will be taught by the mothers and fathers of world missions, who God has been using to build His kingdom all over the earth. In addition to incredible teaching, ministry sessions, and impartation; part of the curriculum will focus on teaching students particular skills, which will further increase their effectiveness on outreach. An example of this is, two million children die every year simply because of the water they drink. I will be trained on how to build water purifiers and water tanks to battle this crisis. Education is another key aspect to eradicating poverty. Part of my DTS training will help equip me to develop life changing educational opportunities for young people in developing communities.
The 12 week field assignments will target areas of poverty and injustice in both Asia, Africa and the Caribbean. I may find myself working in an orphanage in Cambodia, working with trafficked and sexually abused women in Thailand, caring for victims of the earthquake in Haiti or providing assistance to refugees in Togo (west Africa). These are only a few of many possibilities.
I believe God has called me to join Him in His work to make an impact, to make a difference, that God will be known and lives will be changed around the world.
On other trips I have taken, including teaching health and physical education in Antigua, W.I. and helping to build an orphanage in La Mision, Mexico I have learned that it is important to have people praying for you so I am asking that you please pray for me before my trip, during my trip, and after my trip. I ask you to pray for my health as I have not been feeling well the last few months. I ask that you pray for me to always seek first the Kingdom as I will be challenged spiritually in new ways during my DTS. I ask that you pray I will always keep my eyes, heart, and mind open to what God is doing in every situation and I ask that you pray for protection over my team and myself, and that God will use us to bring love to the people we minister to.
I have been keeping this blog of my journey leading up to the decision to take this opportunity and I will be keeping it updated during my DTS.
I am also in need of financial support as the trip cost approximately $11,000 including the schooling, flights, food, accommodation ect. I have been working as a part time kinesiologist and high school rowing coach for the past year as a means of supporting myself. I have also recently been score keeping at university sporting events for some extra money and am looking for extra things to do to raise money towards the trip. I am looking to raise approximately $1500 more due by November 24, 2010. If you would like to sponsor me please send your donation to 32358 Golden Avenue Abbotsford BC V2T 5A9. Please make it out to Alicia Borsoi and mark it Justice DTS.
Thank you so much for reading this letter and for your support whether it be encouragement, financial support or prayer support. They are all needed and very much appreciated.
Alicia Borsoi
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