Skit: What will you fill your cup with?
Alrighty, so here is a video of the skit we performed in Haiti. We did it many times in churches and classrooms. David put together an amazing video compiling all of the different times we did it.
The skit was birthed from an idea that God gave Jessika, and I guess the end result was that combined with ideas from the popular “everything” skit. The idea of the skit is that there is a girl, who is looking to all sorts of different things of the world to fill her cup. So a character would come out with dirty water that would represent something that the main girl (played by Jess), desired, it would always look good at first (written on one side of the bottle), but then the character would reveal what it truly was (other side of the bottle) and Jess would get sicker and sicker.
To make the skit more relatable to the Haitian people we used the following characters in this order:
1)Voodoo/Satan (Me)
Written on the bottle: Power and Poison
2)Lust (Ryan)
Written on the bottle: Love and Lust
3)Money/Greed (Jenessa)
Written on the bottle: Money
4)Fear (Asha)
Written on the bottle: Fear
The last character to come out is Jesus (John), He is there all along, but is waiting for Jess to accept Him, when she doesn't Jesus intervenes when Jess is almost near death. When He takes the sheet off it says "life" along with the water bottle full of clean water.
This skit was extremely powerful when we did it, the Holy Spirit showed up intensely every time, and amazing sermons were preached after it was performed, hearts were changed, people repented, and grown men were brought to tears. I think the characters were significant, but also the water, because clean water is not easy to get in Haiti, and the effects of the recent cholera outbreak is very noticible in how it has scarred the peoples hearts even more.
It was uncomfortably hot to perform this in fully covered black, but so much fun, and super cool to see the things God does with simple obedience!
Click to watch!
Picture: Mount Rais Orphanage Christmas Eve! We gave them all little sock, stockings, and we all drank hot chocolate while sweating in the little classroom/church!
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