~The words of the Battlefield of my Mind, and the Ache of my Heart~

Thank You Abba for your merciful love,
Thank You Jesus that you shed your blood for me,
Thank You Holy Spirit that you are with me always.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Day 16 – Equipped

Whew! What a long day! I am speedily easing my way into my new job, so far so good! Normally I like to spend more time writing about my thoughts from the scriptures that I am meditating on, but I have not spent as much time as I would have liked to this week.

Today, as I went about my day, the Lord is constantly reminding me that He is with me, and I fully believe that is true as I live each day to please my Father in Heaven. I am constantly trying to push to the next level in all areas of my life and the Lord often reminds me to slow down. This morning as I was driving into work I had such a gentle reminder from God, that He has fully equipped me with everything I need to fully complete the purpose He has for me today. Even as I write this He is reminding me that I can, at anytime tap into to the Lords power as I humble myself before Him.

Yesterday I wrote a little about the grace of God I feel on my life that helps to make each day so much more beautiful. Today I was thinking about the day I will get to meet Jesus and how it is going to be so unbelievably amazing that everything else will be so insignificant in comparison.

So tonight is another evening of writing barely able to keep my eyes open and I can't seem to think much past what I’ve already written. I look forward to the weekend and spending some more time reflecting on what the Lord is doing and putting some thoughts on paper. Right now I am learning how to listen to the Lord’s voice in ordinary chaos both challenging and exciting.

I can hear the Lord whispering in my heart, relax, still yourself, listen and let me speak to you.

Thank you Father that you are my strong tower, my refuge and I trust in you to protect me from all evil.



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