~The words of the Battlefield of my Mind, and the Ache of my Heart~

Thank You Abba for your merciful love,
Thank You Jesus that you shed your blood for me,
Thank You Holy Spirit that you are with me always.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

It’s those little moments…

It’s those little moments that make it all worth it.

I never thought I would live a life that I woke up each morning pinching myself, wondering if I was still alive or somehow got transported to another place. Once I realize I am in fact, still on earth my thoughts continue on to a deep wondering if I have completely lost my mind and I am filled with a strange fear, yet before that fear it can even take a grip on my heart, is pushed away by unexplainable yet lovely peace. Then I remember why these strange feelings arise with me in the morning, it all started with the choice I made, a choice, either to stay in safety and comfort, where everything is familiar and feels good, or to venture completely into the unknown. It is at this point that I remember I made the choice to venture into the unknown. I stumble out of bed trying to feel brave, but wanting to run to some sort of safety, wanting to take back my decision, but knowing that I did make the choice that leads to the narrow path, a choice that will echo in eternity, a choice that when I stand on judgement day, I will know that it was right.

Each day is taken a moment at time, when fear tries to grip my heart I can feel the love of my Heavenly Father overcome it. Sometimes He uses the spirit of peace, sometimes He uses Joy, sometimes He uses words from scripture and sometimes He uses people.

I must say, there is nothing that can warm the heart like a conversation with a beloved friend a million miles away. When we are at our weakest moments trying with all our might to be brave, silently whispering the name of Jesus under our breath to give us comfort, and the phone rings with the sweet sound of a familiar voice, it’s like heaven comes crashing down to earth. It’s those little words of encouragement that can break through every discouragement and give us the strength we need to go on.

It’s little moments like that, amist a whirlwind of chaos, that make it all worth it.

Dedicated to anyone who has taken a leap of Faith into the unknown.


1 comment:

  1. It takes a lot of courage to do that in this culture we live in of being busy doing all of the time.
    I am proud of you, Alicia!
