Week 8
Speaker: Dan Baumann
Author of “In Prison in Iran” and “A Beautiful Way”
I was too scared to write notes today in class because God was really speaking to me when Dan was telling his stories of the middle east and his nine weeks in prison in Iran. I feel like God is gently and slowly leading me to understand that I can come to agreement with Him and the plans He has for me. He has really big plans for me, this is the beginning of something very significant. As I walk in prayer, God is continually speaking to me.
The quote from our speaker “The safest place is where God has called you to be”. Keep in mind this was said by someone who has lived and worked in some of the most dangerous places on earth, including Afghanistan and Iran.
This next part is a little bit all over the place, but just bear with me...
Dan told us about a vision he had when he was in the plane on the way to Afghanistan as a single male who desired to be married, and who was going to a country completely foreign to him, he had no friends there, and he only knew a little of the language. I wish I could paint a vivid picture of Dan's vision, they way I saw it, and explain to you why my heart was burning and tears were streaming down my face.
I often wonder why I have such a heart for impoverished people in the world who live in the “most dangerous” places and right now my heart truly is for Haiti. Sometime I am joyful at this, sometimes I am angry, sometimes I am confused, sometimes I am scared and sometimes I am just plain frustrated. I have moments where I am childish and ask God why I even want to give up every part of me, all my comforts everything that is safe and secure. God is not forcing me to do anything that I am doing, He is a gentlemen, but what I know of God's love and the truth about life, I can no longer turn a blind eye to the suffering around me.
So back to Dan's vision, the part that really impacted me was when Dan was asking God the questions that I often ask God about missions, and God showed Dan a vision of Jesus. Jesus was so incredibly excited that Dan was coming to Afghanistan to meet him there, Jesus was uncontrollably enthusiastic as He was waiting for Dan to arrive and meet Him there. Amongst every good work that Dan was going to do in Afghanistan, getting to build his relationship with Jesus was the most significant, it is the first commandment, Love the Lord your God with all heart, all your soul, all your mind.
So when I ask God why I am going to Haiti, that is was I feel His response to me is, “Alicia I am here waiting for you, I have a treasure for you”, it brings me to my knees as tears well up in my eyes and pour down my face.
Well, that was really intense, but I am so full of joy and life for the Lord. God told me to take a few days to just have fun and relax, He is so good. This week is the 50th anniversary of YWAM celebration and I feel that God is going to rejuvenate and fill me with so much joy this week. I am so excited! For me it starts tomorrow at 5AM and I get to participate in the torch run, woohoo!!!
Picture: Morning sunrise after sleeping on a black sand beach (in the rain, no tarp, lol), with waves crashing at the rocks below, and lava flowing in to ocean off in the distance. Black Sand beach is defiantly my favorite!
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