News Update!!!
I wanted to take the time to thank you for your incredible generosity and prayer support!
I have been keeping my blog updated with things that have impacted me the most from each week. The link is http://mygraciousfavorisalluneed.blogspot.com/ .
This lecture phase has been one of the most incredible things I have ever done. I have met so many amazing people that have dedicated their lives to what God is calling them to, and the fruit of their lives is so inspiring. During our last corporate church, a 23 year old girl was the main speaker. She did her DTS, then continued on to her School of Biblical Studies (SBS), an intensive 9 month study of the Bible, is now the producer of an upcoming documentary called Sex & Money. This documentary is based on the exposure of sex trafficking in the United States, and the belief that God has called a generation to stop this inhumanity. The link is http://www.sexandmoneyfilm.com/ if you are interested in more information on it.
God is so incredible and I am falling more in love with Him everyday. Media hides a lot of God's miracles that occur everyday throughout every nation, and each one of the 600 people on this campus in Kona has played part in those miracles. Every person I talk to has a different story of the things they have seen God do throughout the world. The more I learn about who God is, the more I realize how much I don't know, and how much He loves His people. When we align our hearts with God's will really amazing things start happening. After the things God taught me through the speaker in week 4, I desperately want to come back and do an SBS, if you could please pray for me to have the opportunity to do this I would really appreciate it.
I am also learning Health Care here, and will be using it in Haiti. So far I have learned how to asses patients, and about AIDS/HIV. Good news is that it is very hard to contract AIDS from someone if the proper precautions are taken, which is super exciting because I can love, and hold the children as much as possible!
In Haiti the plan is that we will stay at an extremely poor orphanage with 50 children from December 15 to January 5. We will then move to a house in Port Au Prince and live there until March 5. It still seems pretty surreal to me. The need in Haiti is so far beyond human ability; it was already the poorest country in the western hemisphere when the earthquake hit in January 2010, there is now a Cholera outbreak that has killed approximately 500 people, and Hurricane Tomas going through there as I write this, which is predicted to increase the Cholera outbreak. Our team is completely putting all our trust in God for His hand to work, and to lead us. We are doing the possible and trusting the Lord to do the impossible. I am so blessed to have the opportunity to be a part of God's plan in the restoration of a country and I can't wait to share the miracles that God will perform.
Our outreach team is also currently working on a sponsorship video, I will send you the link when it is completed. We are looking into different ways we can help there, including building houses for $4000 (US) each.
Thank You for Your Support!
May God Bless You In All That You Do!
Alicia Borsoi
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