...Pt. 2 continuation specifically from last 2 blogs, but is included in all past blogs.
Over the past few months I have had multiple people, none of whom I know very well, in different locations speak prophetic words into my life, the central concept of all of them are something like this;
-That God is going to heal me through this journey
-This is a season of healing and restoration for me
-God wants to give me peace, (shalom)
-God wants me to dream big dreams
New words spoken to me last night in the prayer room, based on the same concepts as above
-God wants you to journal again
-God wants me to have my voice back, 2 separate people (not sure specifically, singing for him, speaking prophetic words for him)
-it is no mistake that I am here (in Kona YWAM) during the Jubilee, (50th anniversary of YWAM), This is to also be my Jubilee
-God is going to exceed my expectations
-God wants to restore to me all the years the devil stole
Definition of Jubilee (j`bĭlē), in the Bible, a year when alienated property and land were restored, slaves were manumitted, debts were forgiven, and a general sabbatical year was observed in agriculture. It occurred once every 50 years, at the end of a series of seven sabbatical years as prescribed by the Book of Leviticus.
My specific prayer request is that I feel lead to do a School of Biblical Studies (SBS) here in ywam, Kona beginning in April 2011. SBS is a 9 month program that goes in great depth through every book in the Bible. After this there is a optional 4 to 12 week outreach opportunity. I feel called to go deeper into learning the word, so that I can teach throughout the nations. I also would like to do the SBS here in Kona because I am really developing a heart for the people here, and I would like to be a part of the transformation of this community. I would like to do this beginning April 2011, it is not clear to me that this is God's timing, there is also another one that begins in September 2011. If I am to do this in April 2011, I need to begin making preparations now, as I will be returning from my outreach in Haiti March 11, 2011. If this is what the Lord is calling me to do, Finances are also needed (not sure of the exact cost right now), and I need prayer on what the Lord is telling me to do to get the finances (working, fund raising, sponsorship ect.)
Thank you so much to all who have helped sponsor me to get to where I am today, my life has already been dramatically transformed.
I can not express how thankful I am for your prayers, they are so important, they really do make a difference.
God Bless
Alicia Borsoi
(Also a video is in the making for our Haiti outreach preparations, coming soon...)
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