I'm sitting here trying to figure why it is so hard for me to write a blog. I certainly haven't had any trouble in the last 5 months. I am being taught so much information, it is hard to process all that is going on. After having the weekend to process what happened during the week this is what I have concluded; so many of my questions that I have been asking the Lord, including ones written in past blogs, have been answered. So what do I do with that? I really wasn't sure at first, it was overwhelming, my heard was shaken, twisted, turned upside down and inside out, in such a good way that it is hard to describe. The only thing I really can say about that is that the truth really does set you free. I am so free, and I think that is a big reason why I am having trouble writing about my thoughts, because I am free, free from the burden of so much confusion and lies. I have many more different questions now that I know so much more truth, but when I rest and trust in the Lord, I feel completely and totally free.
I think an important detail to note is that the freedom does come at a price. Daily, sometimes minute by minute surrender, totally giving up my will for my life, and whole heartedly trusting in the Lord. I am still practicing and learning this, but it is so exciting, and God is so amazing, He is my best friend. From the outside looking in things may seem pretty simple, but when I talk about my heart going through the works, I mean it. I have spent more time in tears than I have in a long time. Some times the tears were from grief of my past, but sometimes, the deep, uncontrollable sobs were from so deep within my spirit, and I didn't even know what they were about. My spirit is grieved, such deep longing and I am learning why, bit by bit, piece by piece, day by day.
In terms of details of last weeks lecture, I don't know that I really can write about it, believe me I have tried, but I would talk about it one on one in person anytime, just to warn you, it will take faith to believe it:) I know that what I learned is now a part of my life, I hope every single day that I am on this earth.
God's love is so much more powerful that you ever could imagine, there was actually one point during lecture last week where the Lord's love was so powerful that I wanted to run out of the room to get away from it. It sounds weird, but it is true, and indescribable. God is so amazing and I love Him so much!
Oh ya, and prayer works. Special thank you to those of you who pray for me.
Love Always,
Picture: Kua Bay aka Mile 88 beach. Hitchhiked there and back, so beautiful! I love God's beauty
Speaker: Amy Sollers
Inspiring!! thanks alicia :D xox