Was my world ever rocked this week! Wow. Where to start! For those of you who know me well and how much I love the beach, and dislike sitting maybe I'll start with this; it is a Saturday afternoon, I have no real obligations, I'm in Hawaii, and I've been sitting inside all day writing. Actually every spare minute I had this week was spend in the prayer room. My entire life is uprooted. I've already handwritten more this week that I have written the entire time that I have been here. I don't know how this all started but I think the pivotal turning point may have been when I asked the speaker a question. I will try to simplify this and give it the proper context, but it may be hard, so don't adopt this into your own beliefs without prayer and study of the scripture. It was something along the lines of this; the speaker was talking about how we constantly try to take control of our own lives and are unwilling to give God the control, so I asked, “If we as humans, are to give up our control to God, and we have no value by our humanness (another part He spoke on, our value is in who we are in Christ, another topic), then what stops us from being WORTHLESS?” Emphasis on the word worthless is very significant, because the response to this question from the speaker was not something that anyone, especially the speaker expected. God's wrath was expressed to us, through the speaker in the form of a very loud, angry, and authoritative voice. How do I know that what the speaker spoke was from the Lord, and not from his human nature or evil? Because of the grace God put over me (and others) while the message was being spoken, I felt the power of Holy Spirit trembling in my body, I felt peace, and not offended in the least, but the words spoken, were powerful. God is so ANGRY that we would believe the LIES that satan says about us. You know the God that you read about in the Old Testament? Well since God is the alpha and the omega, than the God in the Old Testament is the same God as the one in the New Testament. Read about the God's wrath in the Old Testament, then read about the Love Jesus brings to the earth in the New Testament, then read about how God, suffered the most pain that can ever be suffered, by sacrificing His own son.
It is not even like God sacrificed His son for a beautiful reward. He sacrificed His son, for us, sinners, who would hate him, blasphemy against Him, continually sin and let Him down, murder, rape, become addicted to anything that felt good, mess up love, and turn His beautiful earth into a wasteland day after day. Yet God paid the ultimate price, if you think God doesn't feel pain, then where do you think we got our emotions from if God is the one who created us? All I know is that God is absolutely furious that we would believe the lie that we are worthless when He sacrificed everything for our freedom and worth. We are no longer condemned because Jesus died for us. We are no longer murders, adulterers, because of what Jesus did for us. Yes we still commit these sins, but when we believe Jesus died on the cross for our sins, receive Holy Spirit in our hearts and live a repentant life we are free, we are no longer clothed in sin, but we are clothed in righteousness, clothed in white, for the Lord's sake, free and so deeply loved by the Lord. After pages and pages of writing this week, hours of contemplation, reading through the Book of Revelations, I am only beginning to understand what this means, but it is so powerful that my whole body trembles from the glory of it.
So now my next thought is this, how do I live a life where I can cut through satans deception with a sharp sword, not only for my sake, but for the sake of all humanity? Since the Word of God, is the Sword of the Spirit, then it seems that my answer is to study the word of God, to know it, inside and out, a hundred thousand times over. I believe that this week God has opened an opportunity for me to continue (since I have already begun) this journey. I will reveal more of my journey that lead me to this conclusion, in the next two blogs, as I will need your help and prayer.
Thank You for Lord for Your Unconditional LOVE, forgive me Lord for thinking that I know more than You, My Creator, You are ever merciful, just, humble, and so gracious.
Picture: Kua Bay
Speaker - Matt Rawlins
So amazing ~~~ this love and forgiveness of God!